Bringing the Target to Life in Nutritional Supplements


Develop a deep understanding of the beliefs, values and influencers that motivate target consumers in the category.

  • Focus the organization on fulfilling consumer needs.
  • Build the organization’s marketing skills.


Information about target consumers was “sterile” – X% do this, Y% do that – but lacked depth of understanding on the consumer beliefs, values and ways to more effectively connect with the consumer.

  • Opportunity existed across the organization to put the consumer front and center of business decisions made.
  • Team consisted of many new and junior level marketers, so client wanted to provide opportunity for training, development and greater empowerment.

How We Did It

A team of skilled researchers, facilitators and creative talent lead the research.

  • Designed a robust and custom hybrid methodology to dig deep into target consumers’ motivating values and beliefs relevant to supplements.
  • Research uncovered and described a number of motivations for the category, and the underlying values and beliefs held by various segments.
  • In addition to in-depth reporting, Team developed series of posters, a video and profiles for company newsletter describing each motivation and associated consumer groups. Infographics brought the information to life.


Insights informed future product development and communications strategies.

  • Organization rallied around their newly understood target consumers. Posters were visible on many office walls. Monthly company newsletter featured segment profiles.
  • Marketing skills developed “from the bottom up” vs. top down initiatives.