Health Care presents a uniquely challenging situation for marketing research. Highly technical, jargon-filled interviews with hard-to-reach populations are the norm. Add to that a global context, with not only translations but cultural and medical practice differences, and you have the potential for serious challenges. Our client, a leading medical provider, wanted to build a global market for their innovative surgical product.
FeltonBuford Partners conducted in-depth interviews with MDs in Europe and Asia. Native speaking interviewers conducted the sessions, which were then translated back to English for analysis and reporting. In the process of reviewing the transcripts, we identified a problem in one market – it just did not seem right and our antennae went up. Our alert and resourceful researcher took the initiative to have these interviews transcribed entirely in the native language and then translated to English as a double check – and got to the correct conclusion, preventing misinterpretation of the market situation. FeltonBuford Partners’s extensive Health Care and global experience gave us the tools and experience to recognize and solve this research challenge.